A proposed birth chart for Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum

A proposed Birth Chart for Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum -

A Birth Time Rectification

Graham Ibell

13th May 2022

Being potentially one of the most powerful people in the world I believe it is important to have and understand the birth map of the founder and executive chair of the increasingly influential World Economic Forum, Klaus Martin Schwab. An internet search yielded surprisingly few analyses of his chart (such as this one or this one), but none one them quoted a known birth time, enabling only limited, highly speculative and inevitably superficial interpretations. So, as someone who carries out a lot of rectification work for clients and public figures, I thought I would have a go at deducing his birth time from the few known dated, biographical events in his life.

It is not the purpose in this article to make an in-depth interpretation of his chart. Rather to put out a reasoned and researched proposal for his time of birth for others to test, challenge, support or refine. I suspect it is highly unlikely that the time will ever be confirmed or refuted through an actual birth record, both given his age and his biographical circumstances, so it is going to be in the testing of it and reviewing of my symbolic reasoning by other astrologers that the chart may come to be seen as holding a valid and useful description of the man, his project and his influence. So, please test this out yourselves, offer feedback in the comments below, or email me with your thoughts. At a later stage I plan to explore this chart along with that of the World Economic Forum, whose launch time I am working on at the moment.

All that is publicly know at the moment is that Klaus Schwab was born on the 30th March 1938 in the German town of Karlsruhe.

As might be expected from a person of such profile and controversial role there is very little personal information about him - essential for a confident rectification - that is publicly available. However, we have his videos, a list of outer achievements from his CV, a few ‘facts’ on his wikipedia site, and, fortuitously discovered, one or two websites that have managed to uncover information ‘cleaned’ from the web. Although I have my own thoughts and feelings about this man that make it hard for me to trust him or his project, I have made an effort to work only with the factual details of his life I could uncover that I trusted, with no judgement of them or need for them or his chart to confirm any preconceived ideas I may have about him. Even though the two earlier links I gave clearly have their own biases, of which I am not unsympathetic, I used them as a source of a small number of useful biographical facts from Schwab’s life. Hence the chart produced is, as best as I am able, uncluttered by my own feelings/fears/speculations.

From my work, the time I propose for Klaus M. Schwab’s birth is 7:46am, with the date of 30th March 1938 in Revensburg, Germany. The chart can be seen below.

Below I list the key dates used in the work, with associated astrological signatures pointing to revealed birth time (houses referred to are for the proposed birth time):

  1. Mother, a Jew, escapes Nazi Germany for the USA, leaving the family on a boat from Hamburg, never to return: 30th November 1938. [secondary progressed (prog)-Moo moves into the 12th house; solar arc-Nep opposite Moo, orb 0º08’A, and prog-IC is within 1º of con Plu]

  2. Obtains a Master Degree in Economics and Social Science: 4th November 1963. [prog-Asc trine natal-Jup, precise for 07:47:05; prog-Moo con prog-Jup in prog-10th house, 0º23’A]

  3. Promoted from corporal to lieutenant in the Swiss army: 11th November 1965. [pro-MC semi-square Sat (ruler of the 10th), precise for 07:45:35]

  4. Launches the first World Economic Forum (at the time called the European Management Forum): 24th January 1971. [prog-MC con prog-Jup, precise for birth 07:46:48. Note the aptness of Jup in Aqu in the 11th for this ‘world club’ - and the slightly less savoury intimations of its rulership of his 8th and 12th houses]

  5. Marriage to wife, Hilde née Stoll (b. 1947): sometime in February 1971. [solar arc-Moo (ruler of 4th) con natal Ven, if marriage 14th Feb precise for 07:44:45; prog-Moo semi-square natal Ven with orb 0º01’]

  6. Daughter, Nicole, born: sometimes in April 1975 (he has a son, Olivier, born in 1973 but I was only able to find a rather dubious date for him: 1st February) [though not offering precise timing, transiting Jup crossing Schwab’s Sun, ruler of the 5th house of children, is confirmatory. This would be exact if her birth was on the 26th, and I do suspect she is a Sun-Taurus.]

  7. Publishes ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, his key and signature work: 3rd January 2003. [Mer prog to 21º24’ Tau, con Asc, precise for 07:44:53]

I trust some of the astrology outlined above (and this is by no means all of it - I have excluded most of the transits at those times, which also help confirm the time) can be seen as justifying my choice of his birth time.

A cursory glance at the chart raises a few appropriate placements and interesting transits:

  • The packed 12th house is consistent with the man’s secrecy. Even the construction of his Davos ‘retreat’, secreted in the isolated mountains of Switzerland, is consistent with this.

  • The angular Pluto on the 4th makes sense of the darkness around his past, such as the tragic breakup of his family and severance with his mother soon after birth, and the whole shadow of the Nazi regime he was born into, or the more sinister connections made with his family business’ involvement in the German war machine, the South African nuclear programme, and other Plutonic layers associated with his past and present.

  • An 11th house Moon makes sense of him being so at home in the organisation he gave birth to.

  • I find the juxtaposition between on the one hand robust, individualistic, wilful and worldly strength (such as the Aries stellium, including a close Sun-Saturn conjunction, and prominent Taurus) and on the other the delicate, otherworldly, impressionable co-dependency of Moon in Pisces closely opposite Neptune fascinating. I can see the imprint of this clearly in his ‘Great Reset’ agenda, a potentially sinister example of how a leader’s psychology unconsciously informing his/her politics.

  • The Corona-19 crisis, a time in which he was risen to (controversial) prominence has seen Pluto transiting across his Midheaven and squaring chart ruler Venus. Also at this time Neptune has been crossing Moon and opposing itself, and he’s been in his Uranus return.

  • Uranus will be crossing the proposed Ascendant over the coming 2 or 3 years - inevitably a volatile and revelatory period, and providing an opportunity to confirm the rightness of this birth time.

  • I often explore key places in a person’s life using astro-geography techniques at the final stages of a rectification, to see whether they chime with planet placements - a sort of bonus confirmation, ideally. In this case it’s most helpful: below you will see the aptness of the Pluto local space line from his birth location, pretty much cutting through Davos, the spiritual home of the World Economic Forum. Note, also, his chosen home in Cologny, Geneva, right on the line of his nodal axis, and how he has ‘chosen’ to live as close as he can within Switzerland to the Mars-Uranus conjunction on his Ascendant (2º and 3º from his Ascendant respectively) - a key aspect shaping his Great Reset agenda.

Below I include a few other pieces of biographical information that might possibly be useful to astrologers, in the interests of keeping such information in one place:

  • Father, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab: born 27 April 1899, Roggwil, Bern, Switzerland

  • Mother, Emma Gisela Tekelius Kilian: born 5th October 1900, Karlsruhe, Germany

  • Step-Mother, Erika Epprecht: born 31st December 1906, place not specified

  • Parents’ marriage 2nd October 1926 in Karlsruhe, Germany

  • Brother, Hans Ernst Schwab: born 13th October 1927, Karlsruhe, Germany (emigrated to Brazil in 1957)

  • Wife, Hilde née Stoll, born unknown date in 1947

Whilst I am not suggesting this is emphatically his birth time, I have put a great deal of time and research into this; good rectifications are never straightforward and rarely irrefutable. And am only releasing it as I am very satisfied that the chart ‘works’, and I have had sufficient confirmations - rational and irrational - to make it public. I feel it is now time to put it out there and have it tested by other astrologers.

Finally, a note of not-unimportant curiosity - when I felt I had completed the rectification (2:20pm on the 12th May 2022), Sun, bearer of light and revealer of truth, was at 21º21’ Taurus - only 0º03’ from this proposed Ascendant! I only hope that trickster Mercury, recently retrograde, and chart ruler at that time, isn’t having a laugh…

I hope you find Schwab’s chart useful, interesting and accurate. And do get in touch if you’re interested in my rectification service: see this page on my website.