Astrology is the study of the positions and movement of the stars and planets, and the meaning-filled links these make with life on earth. No causal relationship is implied - ‘our stars’ don’t make things happen, but rather reflect or correspond with who we are. Each planet shares an essence with those objects, activities, feelings etc of the same nature; they all move, as it were, in synch. All life is one. Thus I see Astrology essentially having a poetic nature, not one that is material, causal or scientific. A brief description of astrology can be found here.


Welcome to my website. I trust it will give you a bit of an idea of who I am, what motivates and interests me, how I work with astrology, and how I might be of service to you. Whilst my love of people means I enjoy seeing clients and students in-person, almost all my client work and some of my teaching can be carried out remotely using Skype, FaceTime, Zoom etc.


Originally trained in Psychological Astrology and having started my counselling practice in the late 1990s, I have developed over the years an abiding interest in more traditional forms: horary questions, electional work, mundane and business astrology - all of which I offer to clients. I teach astrology at all levels. You can read up more about me on my About Me page.

I am currently studying Jungian psychology at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, meaning I am spending time both in New Zealand and Switzerland. At the moment I am in New Zealand.

Ignorant before the heavens of my life,
I stand and gaze in wonder. Oh the vastness
of the stars. Their rising and descent. How still.
As if I didn’t exist. Do I have any
share in this? Have I somehow dispensed with
their pure effect? Does my blood’s ebb and flow
change with their changes? Let me put aside
every desire, every relationship
except this one, so that my heart grows used to
its farthest spaces. Better that it live
fully aware, in the terror of its stars, than
as if protected, soothed by what is near.
— Rainer Marie Rilke


I was recently interviewed on The Great Awakening Generato youtube channel about my path to astrology and other general introductory topics.

I am pleased to announce that in Sept 2022 I graduated from the School of Traditional Astrology in Horary Astrology, so will now be answering horary questions with renewed confidence!

Coming Events

Foundation Astrology Course A new cycle of this popular year-long beginners course will begin in 29 Feb 2024. More info…

Horary Astrology - Monthly Horary Forum for exploring horary questions together, next meeting online 20th March 2024, 7pm NZ time.

Supervision - a closed monthly supervision group begins 5th April 2024. Personal supervision and tutoring also available.

Location Astrology - a short 4-class course of interactive on-line workshops exploring astrocartography and other techniques for understanding out relationship with place. Wed evenings starting 6th March 2024. More info.

I Ching workshop - six Zoom classes starting 24th April. See more here.

Latest blog entry: Madge Gill, Outsider Artist: an astrological exploration, 29th December 2022.

See also my Events Page


Latest Page Additions: Electional Astrology - selecting auspicious times for significant initiatives, events or beginnings.

House Salons - readings and a talk at your next party or gathering.