Unknown Birth Time

A rectified birth time for Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand


The election of Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand’s 40th Prime Minister, the nation’s third female and the youngest in over 150 years, has brought excitement for many within New Zealand as well as beyond these shores. Given her central importance for domestic political affairs it’s only natural that local astrologers are keen to explore her horoscope. Currently, with only her birth date and place known, this is limited to a flat chart, defaulting, in the absence of a birth time, to midday or sunrise. This is inadequate for most levels of predictive work as well as for gaining a fuller picture of her psychological make-up. In this article I outline an attempt at a rectification of her birth time, based predominantly on a limited number of important and publicly-known life events. A time of 1:59pm on the 26th July 1980 in Hamilton is proposed. Whilst a rectified chart from a completely unknown birth time is always highly speculative, I argue that this chart fits her personality, situation and biography, and as such, and in the absence of clean data from herself or her family, I suggest it could be used as her chart. The chart of the commencement of her office is briefly explored, and a few future directions flagged.


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